Useful in cases of hemorrhoids

Adjuvant in hemorrhoidal syndromes.
- Achillea : Contributes to the maintenance of the correct functionality of the venous circulation. Promotes liver function and digestive function. Effective in regulating gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas.
- Chestnut: Antioxidant action. Promotes the regularity of intestinal transit. Antioxidant.
- Hamamelis: For the Functionality of the venous circulation in particular it favors the functionality of the hemorrhoidal plexus. Promotes the regularity of intestinal transit. Antioxidant action
- Blackcurrant: For the functionality of the microcirculation. Promotes the drainage of body fluids and the functionality of the urinary tract. It promotes the integrity and functionality of cell membranes and the regularity of intestinal transit.
- Uncaria tomentosa: Promotes and strengthens the body’s natural defences
Adults: 20 drops, poured in a little water, 2 or more times a day
We recommend the use combined with the appropriate FITOMEGA SIN or FITOMEGA DRE.
Adjuvant in venous problems
- Chestnut: Important antioxidant action
- Lemon: For the digestive function. Useful in promoting microcirculation functionality and gastrointestinal motility and gas elimination.
- Sweet clover: Promotes the functionality of the venous circulation. Promotes the functionality of the microcirculation. Drainage of body fluids.
- Butcher’s broom: excellent for the functionality of the microcirculation, useful in the heaviness of the legs. Promotes the functionality of the venous circulation.
- Rowan: Promotes the functionality of the peripheral venous circulation.
- Uncaria tomentosa: Promotes and strengthens the body’s natural defences
Adults: 20 drops, poured in a little water, 2 or more times a day
We recommend the use combined with the appropriate FITOMEGA SIN or FITOMEGA DRE.
Anxiety | Depression | Insomnia | Stomatitis - Herpes | Nausea - Vomiting | Gastritis | Gastric - duodenal gastritis | Colitis - Meteorism | Pancreatitis | Hepatic disease | Colocistitis - Gall stones | Diarrhea | Stypsis (coadjuvant) | Renal insufficiency | Cystitis - Urethritis | Renal lithiasis | Prostatitis - Prostatic hypertrophy | Impotence | Premenstrual syndrome | Amenorrhea | Dysmenorrhea | Annexitis | Candidosis | Climateric - Menopause - Osteoporosis | Obesity - Fatness - Lipid dysmetabolism | Cellulitis | Dermatitis - Eczemas - Dermatosis | Acne | Psoriasis | Alopecia | Teething - Caries | Paradontosis - Gengivitis | Antalgic - Antineuralgic | Anti-inflammatory | Arthritis - Polyarthritis | Arthrositis | Gout | Spasmophilia - Spams | Immunestimulant | | Otitis | Laryngitis | Tonsillitis | Bronchitis - Cough | Influence | Fever | Migraine - Headaches | Ocular affections | Tinnitus - Dizziness | Hyperthyroidism | Hyperglycemia | Sinusitis | Asthma | Allergic rhinitis | Anemia | Peripheral cerebral circulation | Essential hypertension | Cardiocirculatory insufficiency | Tachycardia | Hypercholesterolemia - Artheriosclerosis | Veins - Varices | Haemorroids
All FITOMEGA® products can be used in association with each other and with any other type of therapy.